Gerrit A. Smit -TI- schrieb:
If you don't want to have the full dumps seen by amrecovery why don't you create a separate set for it?

Having a separate set means having a separate configuration, right?

Not a full separate configuration. In ~/KDD/amanda.conf (KDD is one of my two sets) I have all set specific information (diskfile, dumpcycle, indexdir, tapetype, Changer Configuration,...) and also in the end a include statement, where I include a ~/Global/global-amanda.conf with all other parameters, I use in both sets (holding disk, tapetype definitions, dumptype definitions,...). For my second set I just copied the KDD/amanda.conf to KMS/amanda.conf and changed the parameters. So most settings remain inside the global configuration file and e.g. new holdingdisks or other global parameters have only to be configured at one place.

The disklist file you can define by a symlink or having the same parameter in both set specific amanda.conf

> Or can I have more than one set of tapes in the same configuration?

What do you mean with "one set of tapes in the same configuration"?

I am looking for means to have 1 set of tapes for all purposes. Which also means
that the number of tapes needed for a full dump is part of the total number of
tapes in a set, and so it can get bigger or smaller as needed. Users don't have
to bother about a different configuration.

Here I use a separate set for off-site full dumps since 5 years. Works fine. And all administrators who restore had no problem with that. Just looking at their calender. If the day they wanna restore was the full-dump-day then they have to choose the second set.

Also it's easy to see what kind of backup is on a tape if you have different sets. Here I use different colors for the barcode lables too.

This might seem strange, but I still want to give it a try. They only remaining
point is the use of amrecover with this setup.

I think, you can't switch amrecover to not seeing/showing the tapes. Mabye by manipulating the database files. But I'm sure, you don't want this! I think the easiest way is to use a different set.

Marc Muehlfeld (Leitung Systemadministration)
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-78

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