Someone was asking for this recently and the FAQ threw a tantrum when I tried 
to add it.

Anyway...this is the output of amatapetype for a Hewlett Packard DAT 160 USB 
that we recently acquired. 
Is it common to see a zero length filemark value?

define tapetype HP_DAT160 {
    comment "HP DAT 160 USB (hardware compression on)"
    length 65535 mbytes
    filemark 0 kbytes
    speed 5319 kps

Rory Beaton

Telemetry/Instrumentation Group
Sea Mammal Research Unit      __)\      phone: 01334 4xxxxx (office)
Gatty Marine Laboratory    .-'    `-.   phone: 01334 4xxxxx (lab)
University of St Andrews  / .--, _   \  fax:   01334 4xxxxx 
Fife KY16 8LB  Scotland  / (  '-' ``--' web:

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