On 9/12/07, Yu Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually this is where puzzled me. My server is my client as well, so
basically it dumps itself. The disks are on a RAID 5 array directly
connected to the server through SCSI. But it seems it never can keep up
with the tape. Don't know where I missed something or is this right?

Ah -- in that case you probably want to avoid holding-disk altogether.
Chris posted on the topic just a few minutes ago, but basically your
RAID-5 is being asked to work overtime -- read (as client), write (to
holding), and read (from holding).  If you move holding to another
disk -- a single fast drive, or a RAID1 array, or the like, you should
see your performance improve.

Thanks, Dustin and Chris.

That IS my problem! I will try no-holding disk see if it can catch up with tape drive.



Yu Chen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Chemistry Building, Rm 182
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

phone:  (410)455-1728 (primary)
        (410)455-6347 (secondary)
fax:    (410)455-1174

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