Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 11:31:53PM -0500, Tom Hansen wrote:
BACKGROUND INFO: I have Amanda 2.5.2p1 running on Ubuntu linux 6.10, configured to backup several large (300Gb +) filesystems spanning several tapes. I have a robot changer, LTO1 tapes (100Gb capacity) and I used:

   tape_splitsize 3Gb
   fallback_splitsize 256m

[ stuff deleted ]
MY QUESTION: Is there any way to configure Amanda such that such a tape error would simply go to the next tape, instead of the worst possible action, which is to abort the whole job?

Short of that, is there any way Amanda could start up from where it left off?

Short answer - no.  If the backups are in a holding disk they can
still be flushed to tapes, but resume a backup no.

Something in your report is amiss.  If amanda had successfully
used 6 tapes, it would have completed backing up and taping
one or more of your 300GB DLE's.  There is no reason a failed
tape after that would invalidate those backups.  And your
report (emailed or available with amreport) would show that.

Following is the report. It clearly says "FAILED" for all 4 filesystems under "FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY" and sure enough, I could not see any files using "amrecover". (I have done a test using one small filesystem, and amrecover did work in that case, so I'm pretty confident that my setup is good.)

I did just notice that, at the very bottom, it does not indicate failure for the two filesystems that were complete. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Thanks for your comments. (Oh and BTW, I was totally wrong about the dump time, it was more like 20 hours)


Hostname: waterbase
Org     : GLWI
Config  : fullback
Date    : October 29, 2007

These dumps were to tapes GLWIBACK-001, GLWIBACK-002, GLWIBACK-003, GLWIBACK-004, GLWIBACK-005, GLWIBACK-006.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [No more writable valid tape found].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next 9 tapes Amanda expects to use are: 9 new tapes.

FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY:  /media/raid2  lev 0  FAILED [out of tape]  /media/raid2  lev 0  FAILED [data write: Broken pipe] / lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]  /media/raid2  lev 0  FAILED [dump to tape failed]

                         Total       Full      Incr.
                       --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    1:00
Run Time (hrs:min)        20:06
Dump Time (hrs:min)       16:25      16:25       0:00
Output Size (meg)      690435.5   690435.5        0.0
Original Size (meg)    690351.3   690351.3        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         --
Filesystems Dumped            2          2          0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)     11966.4    11966.4        --

Tape Time (hrs:min)       16:14      16:14       0:00
Tape Size (meg)        690435.5   690435.5        0.0
Tape Used (%)             665.3      665.3        0.0
Filesystems Taped             2          2          0

Chunks Taped               3121       3121          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) 12093.4    12093.4        --

 Label              Time      Size      %    Nb    Nc
 GLWIBACK-001       3:01 130531776K  122.8     0   498
 GLWIBACK-002       3:10 135774016K  127.7     0   518
 GLWIBACK-003       3:01 123874432K  116.5     1   473
 GLWIBACK-004       3:05 143113152K  134.6     0   546
 GLWIBACK-005       2:56 124765312K  117.4     0   476
 GLWIBACK-006       3:38 159734400K  150.3     1   610


/-- /media/raid2 lev 0 FAILED [data write: Broken pipe]
sendbackup: start [ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
sendbackup: info end
| gtar: ./mysql_trans/mysql.sock: socket ignored

 planner: Adding new disk
 planner: Adding new disk
 planner: Adding new disk
 planner: Adding new disk
taper: mmap failed (Cannot allocate memory): using fallback split size of 262144kb to buffer in-memory
 taper: tape GLWIBACK-001 kb 130547712 fm 499 writing file: short write
taper: continuing on new tape from 130547712kb mark: [writing file: short write]
 taper: tape GLWIBACK-002 kb 135895488 fm 519 writing file: short write
taper: continuing on new tape from 266338304kb mark: [writing file: short write] taper: mmap failed (Cannot allocate memory): using fallback split size of 262144kb to buffer in-memory
 taper: tape GLWIBACK-003 kb 124064672 fm 474 writing file: short write
taper: continuing on new tape from 21233664kb mark: [writing file: short write]
 taper: tape GLWIBACK-004 kb 143219328 fm 547 writing file: short write
taper: continuing on new tape from 164364288kb mark: [writing file: short write]
 taper: tape GLWIBACK-005 kb 125018816 fm 477 writing file: short write
taper: continuing on new tape from 289144832kb mark: [writing file: short write] taper: mmap failed (Cannot allocate memory): using fallback split size of 262144kb to buffer in-memory
 taper: tape GLWIBACK-006 kb 159989024 fm 611 writing file: short write

DUMPER STATS TAPER STATS HOSTNAME DISK L ORIG-KB OUT-KB COMP% MMM:SS KB/s MMM:SS KB/s -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------- waterbase.uw / 0 FAILED -------------------------------------------- waterbase.uw -edia/raid0 0 337970560 338011808 -- 466:31 12074.1 460:04 12245.2 waterbase.uw -edia/raid1 0 368949150 368994176 -- 518:11 11866.7 514:18 11957.7 waterbase.uw -edia/raid2 0 FAILED --------------------------------------------

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.5.2p1)

Tom Hansen
Senior Information Processing Consultant
UWM Great Lakes WATER Institute

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