Jon LaBadie wrote:
> Amrecover, not amrestore, would be the command to extract a directory
> tree from that holding disk (or tape).
> If that is what you used, and you were unable to see the index of files
> in the dump, was the "record" parameter set to "yes" when the dump was
> made.  No index is created otherwise.  If it was set, show the command
> and interactive amrecover session you used (see "script" command as a
> possible recorder)
Sorry, my mistype. I am using amrecover. When I dump the history for the
DLE I get this:

amrecover> history
200- Dump history for config "DailySet1" host "<removed>" disk "<removed>"
201- 2007-10-30 3 DailySet1-051 72
201- 2007-10-29 3 DailySet1-047 75
201- 2007-10-28 2 DailySet1-042 77
201- 2007-10-27 2 DailySet1-037 67
201- 2007-10-26 1 DailySet1-033 4
201- 2007-10-24 1 DailySet1-027 67
201- 2007-10-22 4 DailySet1-022 5
201- 2007-10-21 4 DailySet1-015 4
201- 2007-10-20 4 DailySet1-010 4
201- 2007-10-19 4 DailySet1-006 4
201- 2007-10-18 4 DailySet1-117 5
201- 2007-10-16 3 DailySet1-112 4
201- 2007-10-14 3 DailySet1-103 76
201- 2007-10-13 2 DailySet1-099 68
201- 2007-10-12 2 DailySet1-094 74
201- 2007-10-11 1 DailySet1-093 4
201- 2007-10-10 1 DailySet1-083 59
201- 2007-10-07 5 DailySet1-072 68

My level 0 ran on the 23rd, and is sitting on my disk. As you can see,
it doesn't show in the dump history, I'm guessing because it didn't
actually get dumped onto a tape.

I can (and did) use "settape" to point to the file. However, since the
dump isn't showing in my history I can't tell amanda to use it. If I
choose one of the other dates I do see the correct file list. I'm going
to go read on dd/tar, but if I had a way to use amrecover that's what
I'd like to do.


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