This kind of situation is dragging me too long. In the middle of
troubleshooting this problem I got another problem. amanda taper is not
going to write to tape. It holds the backups on the holding disk. Is this
because of too many dumps file on the holding disk of one of my problem
client which I still cannot solve it?  I keep on trying to dump the client
after changing/troubleshooting. If I relabel the tape again would it erase
all backup files? or any safe solutions?

Email reports this to me:
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [No writable valid tape found].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.

My problem is become more difficult. Please help. :(


fedora wrote:
> this is the logs on dumper on server:
> dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Connection
> timed out
> dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed:
> Connection timed out
> dumper: stream_client: Could not bind to port in range 50000 - 50100.
> dumper: connect_port: Try  port 50000: Available   - 
> dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Connection
> timed out
> dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed:
> Connection timed out
> dumper: stream_client: Could not bind to any port: Connection timed out
> security_seterror(handle=0x99b2ff0, driver=0x7dd0e0 (BSD) error=can't
> connect stream to port 37782: Connection timed out)
> I already allowed port range 50000-50100 (tcp) and 10080 (udp) in my
> firewall.
> fedora wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I couldn't find any solutions on this kind of error:
>> - amstatus report on server -
>> 1 driver: (aborted:"[could not connect DATA
>> stream: can't connect stream to port 45633: Connection timed
>> out]")(too many d
>> umper retry)
>> -- in client debug file - amandad --
>> amandad: time 30.001: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
>> amandad: time 30.001: security_stream_seterr(0x95d25e0, can't accept new
>> stream connection: No such file or directory)
>> amandad: time 30.001: stream 0 accept failed: unknown protocol error
>> amandad: time 30.001: security_stream_close(0x95d25e0)
>> amandad: time 59.997: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
>> amandad: time 59.997: security_stream_seterr(0x95da618, can't accept new
>> stream connection: No such file or directory)
>> amandad: time 59.997: stream 1 accept failed: unknown protocol error
>> amandad: time 59.997: security_stream_close(0x95da618)
>> amandad: time 89.992: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
>> amandad: time 89.993: security_stream_seterr(0x95e2650, can't accept new
>> stream connection: No such file or directory)
>> amandad: time 89.993: stream 2 accept failed: unknown protocol error
>> amandad: time 89.993: security_stream_close(0x95e2650)
>> amandad: time 89.993: security_close(handle=0x95c1958, driver=0x468a20
>> (BSD))
>> amandad: time 89.993: pid 8559 finish time Mon Oct 29 17:46:40 2007
>> -- in server amdump.1 log ---
>> driver: result time 756.150 from dumper0: TRY-AGAIN 00-00002 "[could not
>> connect DATA stream: can't connect stream to port 45633:
>> Connection timed out]"
>> driver: dump failed 00-00002 /var/lib/mysql, too many dumper
>> retry: "[could not connect DATA stream: can't connect stream to
>> port 45633: 
>> Connection timed out]"
>> driver: send-cmd time 756.150 to chunker0: FAILED 00-00002
>> driver: state time 756.150 free kps: 1705 space: 101293664 taper: idle
>> idle-dumpers: 3 qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 0 roomq: 0 wakeup: 0 driver-idle:
>> no-dumpers
>> driver: interface-state time 756.150 if default: free 305 if local: free
>> 1000 if le0: free 400
>> driver: hdisk-state time 756.150 hdisk 0: free 101293664 dumpers 1
>> driver: result time 756.150 from chunker0: FAILED 00-00002 "[cannot read
>> header: got 0 instead of 32768]"
>> amcheck is running fine with no problems and only this DLE got problem
>> from 11 DLEs. I do not understand what does it mean by "could not connect
>> DATA stream". FYI, I ran client using xinetd. Firewall has been opened. 
>> service amanda
>> {
>>        only_from       =
>>        socket_type     = dgram
>>        protocol        = udp
>>        wait            = yes
>>        user            = amanda
>>        group           = disk
>>        groups          = yes
>>        server          = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
>>        server_args     = -auth=bsd amdump
>>        disable         = no
>> }
>> Can anyone help me?

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