I'm using amanda 2.5 and followed the HowTo instructions to setup encryption w/aespipe and gpg. I believe I've done everything correctly and all components seem to work together nicely but when amanda runs it fails to encrypt the data although it proceeds to back it up, only w/o encryption.

When using amcheck I received this error:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: ss06:/disk1/user/srl does not support server data encryption

But I don't know what it's referring to. Are there any special build options needed to support encryption? I looked for something like this but didn't find anything. The only notable difference for my configuration compared with the reference instructions is that I keep amanda installed in /usr/local/amanda/ but I modified the amcrypt and amaeaspipe PATH statements to include the locally nested amanda/sbin directories.

I guess I'm more curious about what would trigger that error, in disklist.c it looks like it's testing for an option to be available, if I'm reading it correctly.

Thanks much for any help,


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