Thanks for your help, I've mounted my amandadisks folder and everything is
alright. But do I have to mount  the holding folder too  or any log files?
> Actually I wonder what does the holding folder exactly do?

This depents on what you have and what you want. If you want to have the holdingdisk on the Raid-5-Array too, then yes. But the holdingdisk just stores the data before it's send to it's final destination (vtape, tape). After that it's cleared again.


Marc Muehlfeld (Leitung Systemadministration)
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-78

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