Thomas Ginestet wrote:
Sorry for the delay, we just changed the backup server and it does the same thing on the new one (i suppose there is a mistake in my amanda configuraiton).

Like before, the full dump should have been made on 2007-11-30 instead of the incremental level 4.

I expected:

friday, the 23th of november: full (forced)
monday, the 26th of november: inc
tuesday, the 27th of november: inc
wednesday, the 28th of november: inc
thursday, the 29th of november: inc
friday, the 30th of november: full
monday, the 3rd of december: inc

I had:

friday, the 23th of november: full (forced)
monday, the 26th of november: inc
tuesday, the 27th of november: inc
wednesday, the 28th of november: inc
thursday, the 29th of november: inc
friday, the 30th of november: full for all DLEs but /cluster/home (inc) and /cluster/organismes/GPSA (inc) monday, the 3rd of december: inc for all DLEs but /cluster/home (full) and /cluster/organismes/GPSA (full)

The problem is in the way amanda compute time between different run, it use the time the backup for a DLE is terminated, not the time the amdump started. You should get this problem if a run take more than 12 hours. How much time took the 23th of November amdump run?

Nothing in amanda guarantee when a full will be done, You must do manually with 'amadmin gpsa force \*' every friday.


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