How do I get off this list?

"Dustin J. Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Jan 28, 2008 10:58 AM, Tony van der Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It seems like everyone here is equally baffled :(
> In the interests of getting to the bottom of this, do you think you
> could run an 'strace' the amcheck process?  The results will be long,
> but if you can find the place where it calls open() on the tape
> device, it will be a start.  Please feel free to mail the results to
> me privately for analysis, if you prefer.  I'll post the findings back
> to the list.
> Dustin
> -- 
> Storage Software Engineer


-- Steve

Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
Coolheads Consulting

Co-editor, Topic Maps International Standard (ISO/IEC 13250)
Co-editor, draft Topic Maps -- Reference Model (ISO/IEC 13250-5)


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