
Numerous individuals have already told you how, and have commented on
their disbelief at your inability to figure this out yourself, given
your technical background.


Steve Newcomb wrote:
> How do I get off this list?
> I used to use Amanda, and I'm grateful for many (!) years of good
> service from it, but I finally got tired of changing tapes and
> worrying about them, and I didn't want to buy expensive new tape
> equipment and even-more-expensive tapes just to keep using Amanda.
> (Unlike the current occupants of the White House, I don't depend on
> tape recycling to excuse the destruction of evidence of my bad
> behaviors.)  The modern Amanda solution of using disks as if they were
> tapes just doesn't make sense to me.  Why pretend that these things
> are tapes?  So I wrote my own system in Python, and it's now working
> well enough that I've turned off Amanda forever.  It's not that I
> don't like Amanda.  I just don't like tapes, or tape drives, and I
> don't see why tape-like files are necessary or good.  The tape
> metaphor seems like a hairball to me, now that disks and Linux
> software RAIDs are so cheap and easy.  And with my own system, I'm now
> free to script all the things that Amanda, with all its complexity and
> generality, discouraged me from scripting: the capture of VMware NTFS
> flat memory files only when I'm doing a level 0 backup of what's in
> them, the use of reverse ssh tunnels to back up our notebooks when
> they're away from home, etc.  (I began to be serious about building my
> own system when I learned on this list that automating the backups of
> roving notebooks are problematic for Amanda.)  I'm also freer to
> integrate the Transparent Archivist
> ( with it in an intimate way.  Of
> course, my approach isn't for everybody.  It's not general.  It only
> works for Unix boxes, and only through ssh.  It's really just for my
> company, with its peculiar needs and resources, which include a
> dedicated web server.
> Anyway, I don't think I have anything more to contribute to this list,
> or it to me, and so I think it would be good for me to stop receiving
> this mail.  Unfortunately, it's not obvious how to do that, which is
> the reason for this note.
> -- Steve
> Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
> Coolheads Consulting
> Co-editor, Topic Maps International Standard (ISO/IEC 13250)
> Co-editor, draft Topic Maps -- Reference Model (ISO/IEC 13250-5)
> direct: +1 910 363 4032
> main:   +1 910 363 4033
> fax:    +1 910 454 8461
> 268 Bonnet Way
> Southport, North Carolina 28461 USA
> (This communication is not private.  Since the destruction of the 1978
> Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the U.S. Congress on August
> 5, 2007, no electronic communications of innocent citizens are exempt
> from unsupervised and unwarranted inspection by the U.S. government.)

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