OS: Solaris 10 SPARC
AMANDA Version: 2.5.2P1

Last night my Soalris 10 sparc host Amanda failed with the following errors

zorn      /export/users-z  lev 0  FAILED
[/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2p1/libexec/runtar exited with status 1: see

A section of the /tmp/amanda/client/daily/sendsize.20080221182142.debug]

sendsize[13188]: time 23.002: estimate size for /export/users-a level 0: -1
sendsize[13188]: time 23.002: waiting for runtar "/export/users-a" child
sendsize[13188]: time 23.002: after runtar /export/users-a wait
errmsg is /local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2p1/libexec/runtar exited with status 1:
see /tmp/amanda/client/daily/sendsize.20080221182142.debug
sendsize[13188]: time 23.003: getting size via gnutar for /export/users-a
level 4
sendsize[13110]: time 23.038: getting size via dump for /export/varmail
level 2
sendsize[13110]: time 23.042: calculating for device /dev/rdsk/c3t102d3s6
with ufs
sendsize[13110]: time 23.042: running "/usr/sbin/ufsdump 2Ssf 1048576 -
sendsize[13110]: time 23.171: running
sendsize[13110]: time 23.172: cannot execute
/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2p1/libexec/killpgrp: Permission denied
sendsize[13188]: time 23.908: spawning
/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2p1/libexec/runtar in pipeline
sendsize[13188]: time 23.908: argument list: runtar daily /opt/csw/bin/gtar
--create --file /dev/null --directory /export/fssnap/users --one-file-system
--listed-incremental /var/am
anda/gnutar-lists/zorn_export_users-a_4.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read
--totals --files-from
sendsize[13188]: time 23.915: error [exec
/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2p1/libexec/runtar: Permission denied]
sendsize: time 23.915: pid 13196 finish time Thu Feb 21 18:22:06 2008
sendsize[13188]: time 23.999: sendsize: error [exec
/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2p1/libexec/runtar: Permission denied]

It seemed that everything with SUID that tried to run last night has
permission denied.

Here is an ls of the SUID files.

-rwsr-x---   1 root     operator   23744 Jun  7  2007 calcsize*
-rwsr-x---   1 root     operator   65820 Jun  7  2007 dumper*
-rwsr-x---   1 root     operator   13524 Jun  7  2007 killpgrp*
-rwsr-x---   1 root     operator   93424 Jun  7  2007 planner*
-rwsr-x---   1 root     operator   11352 Jun  7  2007 rundump*
-rwsr-x---   1 root     operator   14472 Jun  7  2007 runtar*

The seem to be correct and have not been changed since Jun 7.

All the other clients ran without problems.

Any ideas on the cause or was this just a cosmic ray hitting my computer
before the backup?

I will just wait for tonight's backup to see if it happens again but just
wanted to see if some saw a problem from the logs.



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                    EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                            ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                   PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street                      
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067            

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