On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:16:14AM +0200, Toomas Aas wrote:
> From my experience I would say the seller is correct. I haven't tried
> using DLTVS80 tapes with DLT8000, but I know for a fact that the
> opposite can't be done - tapes that were written with DLT8000 cannot
> be read with DLTVS. The only way to re-use them would be to degauss
> them first, but I don't have that kind of equipment so I haven't
> tried.

http://seer.support.veritas.com/docs/276506.htm indicates that the 8000
has higher magnetic strength writes than VS80, so while VS80 cannot
overwrite tapes written by 8000, I would assume that 8000 would be able
overwrite VS80 tapes.

if anybody wants to find out for sure, I'm happy to have someone send me
a VS80-written tape in one of my DLT8000s and see if I can overwrite it.

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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