On Friday 07 March 2008, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the third beta release of
>Amanda 2.6.0, the 2.6.0b3 release. It has a complete rewrite of the tape
>handling code (Device API).
>It can be downloaded from http://www.amanda.org or
>We hope to release the final 2.6.0 soon. We appreciate if you can test
>it before the release, even a simple compilation can be useful to find
>problem on some hardware/software, report all compilation warning.

Looks good here:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps: 124780 MB disk space available, using 124280 MB
slot 3:read label `Dailys-3', date `20080307005004'.
Tape with label Dailys-3 is still active and cannot be overwriten.
slot 4:read label `Dailys-4', date `20080207005003'.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape Dailys-4 label ok
Server check took 1.488 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.731 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 2.6.0b3-20080307)

The compile was slow though, 10+ minutes.
>Here's a list of the changes for release 2.6.0b3 (from the NEWS file):
>Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.
>    * configure --disable-shared doesn't work because perl modules
>      require shared libraries.  Use configure --with-static-binaries to
>      build statically linked binaries.
>    * 'amverify' and 'amverifyrun' are deprecated and replaced with the
>      new, more flexible 'amcheckdump'
>    * 'amdd' and 'ammt' are deprecated.
>    * Some Amanda files are now installed in new "amanda/"
>      subdirectories: libraries are now installed in $libdir/amanda and
>      internal programs are now installed in $libexecdir/amanda. If you
>      mix 2.6.0 and earlier version with rsh/ssh auth, you need to add
>      an 'amandad_path' to the dumptype and to amanda-client.conf.
>    * The amandates file, previously at /etc/amandates, is now at
>      $localstatedir/amanda/amandates.  You may want to move your
>      existing /etc/amandates when you upgrade Amanda.
>    * New 'amcryptsimple', 'amgpgcrypt' - encryption plugins based on gpg.
>    * New 'amserverconfig', 'amaddclient' - Initial Amanda configuration
>      tools these tools make assumptions, please see man page.
>    * Many bugs fixed and code rewrite/cleanup
>          o Speedup in 'amrecover find' and starting amrecover.
>    * glib is required to compile and run amanda.
>    * Device API: pluggable interface to storage devices, supporting
>      tapes, vtapes, RAIT, and Amazon S3
>    * New perl modules link directly to Amanda, to support writing
>      Amanda applications in Perl. Perl module are installed by default
>      in the perl installsitelib directory. It can be changed with
>      'configure --with-amperldir'.
>    * New 'local' security driver supports backups of the amanda server
>      without any network connection or other configuration.
>    * Almost 200 unit tests are available via 'make installcheck'.
>    * Amanda configuration file changes
>          o amanda.conf changes
>                + flush-threshold-dumped
>                + flush-threshold-scheduled
>                + taperflush
>                + device_property
>                + usetimestamps default to yes

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
But, officer, he's not drunk, I just saw his fingers twitch!

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