On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:57:05AM -0500, Arthur Smith enlightened us:
> Jon,
> Thanks!  I want to be sure I understand correctly:
> I have 10 tapes, labeled monday1, tuesday1, etc.. through friday2. I 
> should now be able to recreate the tapelist file like so:
> 0 monday1 reuse
> 0 tuesday1 reuse
> and so on, and amanda will use them in the order they are put in, 
> correct? As if they were actually new tapes (even though they're not)...
> Am I on track?

Yes, with the exception of labeling tapes with days of the week. It's
generally not recommended because amanda has no concept of what day it is
and will merely ask for the next tape needed. So if you miss a day, run over
onto another tape, etc., you end up with strange situations like using
monday1 on a Thursday.

It also makes writing the regexp in your config file harder. 

It is recommended to have some prefix string (e.g. Daily, Archive, Monthly)
followed by incremental numbers.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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