Nomad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fr 21 Mär 2008 22:23:08 CET):
> For "supposed" security reasons, some of our servers have ssh listening on a
> different port.  Has anyone done ssh authenticated backups of servers
> listening on a port other than 22?  I haven't seen where you can configure
> any ssh related options for these types of backups.   This would be run on
> linux and freebsd machines running amanda 2.5.2p1.

I've never done ssh based amanda backups. If it uses the OpenSSH client,
it should read $HOME/.ssh/config. There proably you can put your options

    Host bigiron
        Port 4711

    Best regards from Dresden
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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