Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
That error is coming from client-src/sendbackup.c:
 821         access_result = access(device, amode);
 822         access_type = "access";
 824         if(access_result == -1) {
 825             err = vstralloc("could not ", access_type, " ", qdevice,
 826                         " (", qdisk, "): ", strerror(errno), NULL);
 827         }

where 'amode' is R_OK.  You can simulate this with:
perl -MPOSIX -e 'print "yes\n" if POSIX::access("/", &POSIX::R_OK)'


OK. But it's how we get to that code that seems to be the issue.

Yoshihiro Ishikawa wrote:
Hi Chris,

Can the below URL help you?



On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Chris Hoogendyk
Well, I have to confess I'm puzzled by this one.

 I added a couple of partitions to the disklist on my backup server,
expecting it to be a totally routine thing. However, I got "permission
denied" from amcheck when it tried to access these partitions (on another
server). I have scads of partitions on that server already getting backed
up. What's more, amdump was perfectly successful in backing these up. But,
amcheck keeps complaining. This has been going on for about 2 weeks.

 I've checked permissions, and even umounted the partitions and checked the
underlying permissions of the mount point. I can't see that there is
anything unique about them compared to other partitions. I have permissions
all over the map, with different faculty and labs having ownership and
varying requirements for access and security. There are at least a couple of
others where root is neither owner nor a member of the group owner and other
permissions are 0. The underlying mount points are typically root:other with

 So, what, exactly is it that amcheck is doing that makes it different from
amdump and might make it complain in some way?

 I've put the contents of the email message from amcheck and the debug file
from the client server at the end of this message.

 The only "clue" I have is probably just a red herring. My boss had been
browsing through, tightening up some security stuff and changed the root
umask to 077 a few weeks back. That may have been before he added this
drive. But, if that had changed anything, I should be able to see it in the
permissions now. I don't. And, amdump doesn't seem to either.


 Chris Hoogendyk

  O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
 ~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst

 Erdös 4

 |email message  from amcheck|
 <with some headers removed>

 Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Received: from mormyrid.bio.mor.nsm (mormyrid.bio.mor.nsm [])
        by marlin.bio.umass.edu (8.14.2/8.14.2) with ESMTP id
        Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:02:49 -0400 (EDT)
 Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:02:49 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Amanda Backup User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 X-Greylist: Sender DNS name whitelisted, not delayed by milter-greylist-4.0
(marlin.bio.umass.edu []); Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:02:49 -0400 (EDT)
 X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.54 on

 Amanda Tape Server Host Check
 Holding disk /var/spool/amanda/disk2: 122227093 KB disk space available,
using 111741333 KB
 Holding disk /var/spool/amanda/disk1: 170167149 KB disk space available,
using 159681389 KB
 slot 13: read label `bio-daily-009', date `20080228004501'
 NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
 Tape bio-daily-009 label ok
 Server check took 168.519 seconds

 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 ERROR: marlin.bio.mor.nsm: [could not access /export/langford/other
(/export/langford/other): Permission denied]
 ERROR: marlin.bio.mor.nsm: [could not access /export/langford/lab
(/export/langford/lab): Permission denied]
 Client check: 4 hosts checked in 7.950 seconds, 2 problems found

 (brought to you by Amanda 2.5.1p3)
 <this is on Solaris 9 on an E250 - sun4u platform - both servers>

 |contents of debug file on client server|

 marlin:/:root# more /tmp/amanda/client/daily/selfcheck.20080414150002.debug
 selfcheck: debug 1 pid 197 ruid 555 euid 555: start at Mon Apr 14 15:00:02
 selfcheck: version 2.5.1p3
 Reading conf file "/usr/local/etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf".
 Could not open conf file "/usr/local/etc/amanda/daily/amanda-client.conf":
No such file or directory
 selfcheck: debug 1 pid 197 ruid 555 euid 555: rename at Mon Apr 14 15:00:02
 selfcheck: time 0.203: checking disk /export/pboff
 selfcheck: time 0.284: device /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s7
 selfcheck: time 0.284: disk /export/pboff OK
 selfcheck: time 0.284: amdevice /export/pboff OK
 selfcheck: time 0.284: device /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s7 OK
 selfcheck: time 0.393: checking disk /export/langford/other
 selfcheck: time 0.441: device /export/langford/other
 selfcheck: time 0.441: could not access /export/langford/other
(/export/langford/other): Permission denied
 selfcheck: time 0.442: checking disk /export/langford/lab
 selfcheck: time 0.487: device /export/langford/lab
 selfcheck: time 0.487: could not access /export/langford/lab
(/export/langford/lab): Permission denied
 selfcheck: time 0.488: checking disk /export/herbarium
 selfcheck: time 0.502: device /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0s6
 selfcheck: time 0.502: disk /export/herbarium OK
 selfcheck: time 0.502: amdevice /export/herbarium OK
 selfcheck: time 0.502: device /dev/rdsk/c4t6d0s6 OK

OK. So, ...

I get these errors in the debug logs for amandad and selfcheck on the client when I run amcheck off cron on the backup server in the mid afternoon. The error is returned in the amcheck email, which I would not receive if there were no errors.

I get these errors in the debug logs for sendsize when I run amdump off cron on the backup server during the night. However, the dump works just fine and the errors are not reported back in the email summary that amdump sends.

The error does not show up in any debug files on the amanda server.

Since the dump works just fine, and runs off an suid wrapper (there are /usr/local/libexec/runtar and rundump both), my gutt reaction is that these are spurious errors and should not be reported by amcheck, since, after all, amcheck is supposed to be telling you whether your dumps are going to work. However, that leaves open the question of whether there is something being missed by the planner because of the failure of sendsize on the client when amdump is running. Perhaps that needs changing so that it appropriately uses suid as well.

What I found finally was that while I do have other partitions being backed up that don't have read permission outside their research group, the parent directory of those partitions does, whereas the langford partitions are nested one level deeper and the parent directory does not have read permission. My personal preference is not to proliferate permissions. I use amanda:amanda for the backup user. That user has no specific permissions outside of its own files and directories. In other words, I haven't specifically added it to any other groups. I prefer to keep it that way.

For the moment, I have changed /export/langford to 755. I'll see this afternoon, but that should solve the immediate problem with amcheck.


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__  ---- Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Erdös 4

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