Ok well putting the problems with 2.5.2p1 aside for now, I decided to give the brand new 2.6.0 source tree a go, but it's failed during the configure phase with this:

---- start ----

checking for pkg-config... no
checking for GLIB - version >= 2.2.0... no
*** A new enough version of pkg-config was not found.
*** See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig/
configure: error: glib not found or too old; See http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/Installation for help

---- stop -----

I don't know if it's possible to upgrade gcc and glibc on the platform in question since the OS is pretty much a closed-book deal (and as you'd know, Sun stopped supporting the entire Cobalt line around 2 years ago now). If anyone can confirm that they've been able to replace gcc and glibc with newer versions, I'll give that a go. I don't think anyone has a free gcc uprade package for the Raq servers bit zeffie.bet or cobaltsupport.com may.

I've considered the radical option of totally replacing the OS (with something like Strongbolt Linux) though without a spare system to try that out on first I'm not keen to do it with my 'production' web server. 8-)

Can anyone suggest what could be done with the 2.5.2p1 source tree to correct the compilation problem I outlined in a previous message? I'm not sure if the problem is due to something missing out of a header file, or an unforseen issue with platform-specific parts of the dgram.c code file.



Post by Craig Dewick (tm). Web @ "http://lios.apana.org.au/~cdewick";.
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