I'm having a problem restoring on my 2.5.2p1 system.  The indexes
show all the data is there:

amrecover> sethost ambiance
501 Host ambiance is not in your disklist.
Trying host ambiance.med.utah.edu ...
200 Dump host set to ambiance.med.utah.edu.
amrecover> listdisk
200- List of disk for host ambiance.med.utah.edu
201- /
201- sdc1
201- sdb5
200 List of disk for host ambiance.med.utah.edu
amrecover>  setdisk sdc1
200 Disk set to sdc1.
amrecover> cd /9gb/jv/mcsim/prost/ICPCG_CIDR
amrecover> ls
2008-05-09 noLDanal/
2008-05-09 Summary/
2008-05-09 .
2008-05-05 tmp.pl~
2008-05-05 tmp.pl
2008-05-05 summclinx
2008-05-05 runProstSet2
2008-05-05 runProstSet1
2008-05-05 runMela_SNP_summary
2008-05-05 runICPCG_CIDR.summary
2008-05-05 runICPCG_CIDR.best~
2008-05-05 runICPCG_CIDR.best
2008-05-05 runGWMelaSNP
2008-05-05 run.merlin2labout~
2008-05-05 run.merlin2labout
2008-05-05 run.mcsimPrep2~
2008-05-05 run.mcsimPrep2
2008-05-05 out.log
2008-05-05 icpcg_cidr.noLD.hets

But only the directory structure is restored when I extract:

% cd /9gb/jv/mcsim/prost/ICPCG_CIDR
% ls
Files/  LDanal/  Rcode/  Summary/  noLDanal/

None of the files are restored.  I'm using tar 1.15.1, just let me
know if you need more information.

Steven J. Backus                        Computer Specialist
University of Utah                      E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Genetic Epidemiology                    Alternate:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
391 Chipeta Way -- Suite D150           Office:  801.587.9308
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1266           http://www.math.utah.edu/~backus

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