On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> sendbackup: time 11140.170: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
> sendbackup: time 11140.214: pid 29495 finish time Thu May 29 05:53:19 2008
> Seems as if the index-creation fails, correct?
> But why would it then say
> taper: retrying server:data_db.0 on new tape due to: [writing file: No space
> left on device]

The first is probably a consequence of the second -- a dump was
aborted because the server ran out of tape, and as a consequence
sendbackup closed the index stream, which caused the tar -tf to fail,
which caused the error you see in the sendbackup log.

It sounds like your changer is taking a long time to change tapes, and
*that* may be causing the timeouts.  Is that possible?

Are you using tape spanning?  Sorry if I'm asking redundant questions
-- I've not been paying attention to this thread.


Storage Software Engineer

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