Jukka Salmi --> amanda-users (2008-06-25 12:37:15 +0200):
> Hello,
> since I upgraded an Amanda installation from 2.4.4p4 to 2.5.2p1, backup
> reports always contain lines like these:
>   amreport: ERROR unexpected log line: 20080625 2 [sec 45.227 kb 41655 kps 
> 921.7]
>   amreport: ERROR unexpected log line: 20080625 0 [sec 35.747 kb 67281 kps 
> 1883.0]
> The log file which causes these warnings contains amongst others the
> following two lines:
> grouper.salmi.ch /var/spool/imap 20080625 2 [sec 45.227 kb 41655 kps 921.7]
> grouper.salmi.ch /home 20080625 0 [sec 35.747 kb 67281 kps 1883.0]
> (grouper is the hostname of the host running amdump.)
> Any hints about what could be wrong here?

I just had a closer look at this problem and it seems to be caused by
a race condition between programs started by Amanda's driver program:
all of these programs (dumper, chunker, taper) and the driver program
itself write to the same log file. Since these programs run
simultaneously, their calls to log_add() may result in interleaved
writes. And this is exactly what happens here almost daily: e.g.
yesterday's logfile contains

SUCCESS dumper grouper.salmi.ch /home 20080625 0 [...]
SUCCESS chunker STATS driver estimate grouper.salmi.ch /home 20080625 0 [...]
grouper.salmi.ch /home 20080625 0 [...]
SUCCESS taper grouper.salmi.ch /home 20080625 0 [...]

The chunker and the driver wrote to the log file at the same time...

To fix this problem correctly, the writing of the log file should be
synchronised. As a hack, the two calls to fullwrite() in log_add()
could be replaced by a single call; this would probably cause the
problem to occur less often. I'd certainly prefer the correct

Any comments?

Regards, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~

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