On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Sebastian Henrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm searching for the command to read the label of the currently inserted
> tape. Can somebody give me a hint?

What Amanda version?

The closest you can get to
 $ amreadlabel CONF


 $ amtape S3 current
 slot  23: time 20080702001502 label S3023

If you're using 2.6.0 and above, though, you could probably write a
perl script named amreadlabel, based on amdevcheck.  If you're into
this idea, I'm at your disposal with all the assistance you need.  As
far as getting something like that in the codebase, I'd prefer
perlifying amtape and adding a handy new subcommand like
"current-label".  If you're into *that* idea, I'm at your disposal
with both assistance and an infinite supply of your beverage of


Storage Software Engineer
  • Reading label Sebastian Henrich
    • Re: Reading label Dustin J. Mitchell

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