Hello everybody,

This is the first time I try to install amanda by myself. Beside I'm using and autoloader. Before I used amanda with a simple tape for SDLT. I have followed the manual in order to configure the backup system. Howerver, there are still a point I don't understand quite well. That is: .- Since I'm using an autoloader, I could use more than 1 tape for each backup and I shouldn't need to change the first tape for the second manually. But I don't know how to configure that with amanda. I guess it has to do with the variable tpchanger in the amanda.conf file, but I don't know how to use it... I saw different scripts I could use, but with just a small explication. If any of you could help to chose the best option I would appreciate it, or even if I could get more information about them

I don't know if you really need this, but it could be helpful according to the manual:
This is the result from " amtapetype -e 400GB -f /dev/st0 -t LTO3 -o"
I got this:
define tapetype LTO3 {
   comment "just produced by tapetype prog (hardware compression on)"
   length 386048 mbytes
   filemark 0 kbytes
   speed 67787 kps

Best Regards

Ing. Adriana Liendo
Departamento de Informática
Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas
Final Prolongación Calle Mara, Quinta FUNVISIS
El Llanito - Caracas
Teléfonos: (212) 257.51.53/76.72/93.46 Ext. 211

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