--one-file-system doesn't works for NFS mountpoint.
You must exclude the "./rabbit.honeypot.net" directory.


Kirk Strauser wrote:
I'm using Amanda 2.5.1p3 and GNU tar 1.20 on a FreeBSD 7 system. I noticed something was askew when Amanda made an 11GB backup of a 6GB filesystem:

# amstatus Daily | grep '/jail '
kanga.honeypot.net:/jail 1 11419996k writing to tape (11:47:21)

# du -shx /jail
5.8G    /jail

After digging around, I found that tar is ignoring the --one-file-system option. From the associated sendbackup file, I see that Amanda is calling tar with that option:

sendbackup: argument list: runtar Daily GNUTAR --create --file - --directory /jail --one-file-system --listed-incremental /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/kanga.honeypot.net_jail_1.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals .

But later I see (in that same file) errors like:

sendbackup: time 33.813: 118: strange(?): GNUTAR: ./rabbit.honeypot.net/proc: file changed as we read it

In this case, /jail/rabbit.honeypot.net is a mountpoint, and /jail/rabbit.honeypot.net/proc is definitely its own filesystem.
Basically, tar is recursing on down anyway.  Any suggestions?

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