Jon LaBadie wrote at 01:57 -0400 on Sep  7, 2008:
 > On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 01:46:50AM -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:
 > > On Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 10:44:11PM -0600, John Hein wrote:
 > > > Someone may already know about this, but using gtar > 1.15.1 and
 > > > amanda < 2.5.1 will not work very well.
 > > > 
 > > > The format of the "listed incremental" file has changed.  Among other
 > > > things, the entries are now separated by '\0' "null" bytes rather than
 > > > newlines.  [I'm not exactly sure why since it doesn't save any space
 > > > and I don't think '\n' is a valid character in a posix file name].
 > > 
 > > After a quick search I did not find a reference for this, but I'd
 > > be surprised if posix did not allow \n as a valid file name char.
 > > For the multiple decades I've used unix, it has always been valid.
 > > If not specifically allowed, it may be one of those undefined
 > > things that leaves it to the locale or character set.
 > I just missed it.
 > Only characters not allowed are slash '/' and null byte '\0'.

Indeed.  I just created a file with a \n.  Finding different ways to
accessing it via shell can provide hours of fun.

So let me rephrase:

I can't think of any reason anyone would want to put '\n' in a file
name... except to make access to it harder.  ;)

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