Chris Hoogendyk wrote:

Paddy Sreenivasan wrote:
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Nick Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried to keep the same location as Linux versions. See
I don't mean to be a troll but there are many standard (sic) places to place third party software on Solaris such as /usr/sfw, /opt/csw, /usr/local. I
know of several sysadmins who would refuse to install the package on the
grounds of lack of separation of OS and third-part apps.

If there is standard location for Solaris, please let us know. We
would be happy to incorporate it.
Does anyone know what *Sun* recommends? Personally I'd go for
/opt/<something>/*, /var/opt/amanda/*, /etc/opt/amanda but that's a
*personal* preference before somebody flames me ;-)

Unfortunately, it isn't very standardized for third party software.

So true! Isn't just maddening that your have can have three or more versions of the same shared (sic) libraries in a Solaris 10 installation, in say : /usr/local/lib /usr/sfw/lib /opt/sun/lib /opt/csw/lib etc??

I prefer to stay away from /opt/sfw, because that's where stuff that Sun chose to include in the Solaris 10 install goes. Patches from Sun also apply to those.

How would you view putting the install into say /opt/amanda? Yes, it requires a specialist path setting but Amanda is not for general users anyway.

Sunfreeware, which I have used a fair bit, tends to go almost entirely with /usr/local, putting things in /usr/local/(bin, doc, info, lib, man, share and so on).

Agreed! The /usr/local is according to Sun too much BSD like and *deprecated* but I've also be using it for years.

I've tended to follow Sunfreeware's precedence when I build my own stuff. Then I can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH, and crle to control how things get accessed. By putting /usr/local/lib in front of /usr/sfw/lib, I get the things I've added as a preference, but still fall back to what Sun did if I didn't "over-ride" it. In Solaris 10 with the new T2 based servers such as the T5220, this is particularly critical. Sun has provided a tie-in from their version of openssl to the on chip cryptographic accelerators. Anything that is built pointing to their libraries will get that speed boost (Apache, sendmail, Amanda). If I tried to build that portion myself, I would either have to know a lot more about the low level configuration or I would lose that acceleration. I'm also playing with gccfss from Sun, which is optimized specifically for the T2 based systems.

I've built Amanda entirely referencing Solaris libraries (with the exception of libreadline) using Studio 12 (1). Wouldn't this solve your problem? So are you building Amanda specifically for the T2 processor?



(1) I've promised to document the build environment on zmanda but haven't got around to it yet.

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