drmoque wrote:
> Hi,
> Our office uses a Snap Server NAS device to host all of our working
> files. The clients accessing the NAS are all WIndows Vista OS.
> Recently we opened a second office and the backup strategy we had
> with the Snap Server software can't be implemented until our two
> offices can talk to each other.

So buy 2 vpn devices and connect them together?

> So I need a backup strategy that can replicate the functions of our
> previous strategy.  These functions were:  a) multilevel backup and
> b) a mirror of our data. We needed the mirror because backup software
> from Snap Server could not restore to the same device that the backup
> was on. Also I do not need to backup any of our Windows clients.
> There is no critical data on there from our standpoint.

It is not really clear what you want to do.. Amanda can easily do
multilevel backups. But what about the mirroring of data? Since the two
offices are not connected, you want to write to tape or something, send
the tape to the other office, and restore there?

> The Snap Server runs a limited version of Linux they call Guardian
> OS. I have a second older NAS from Snap Server that will serve as the
> backup and mirror host. (It  has trouble with dealing Vista which is
> why it was collecting dust) so I turned one of our old machines
> (Intel P3) into a Linux box running Ubuntu Server 8.04.
> I am able to mount both Snap Servers using nfs. I assume I could also
> have used Samba since the Windows machines use it to map folders as
> network drives.
> The last piece of information I offer is that I have been running
> Linux for all of two days. So I definitely consider myself a newbie.
> I am looking for an easy to use solution.
> Having said that, here is my question: Is Amanda the most appropriate
> tool to meet my backup needs?

I'm not that much of an Amanda guru, but I would use rsync or unison to
synchronize the two NASses over NFS or Samba.

Then, I would use Amanda to backup one of the two NASses using Samba
daily. (I would use Samba instead of the native client, because you
probably can't install that on the NAS.)


With kind regards,

Angelo Höngens

Systems Administrator

tourism internet software solutions

Ringbaan Oost 2b
5013 CA Tilburg
T: +31 (0)13 5811088
F: +31 (0)13 5821239


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