I used the Ubuntu Hardy Haron package to install Amanda server on my
server.  It ran the backups correctly, but now I need to recover a file.
If  I ran recover, it was asking for one of the 2.6.0p1 files - so I
uninstalled Amanda through apt-get and pulled down the 2.6.0p2 package
and compiled it on the machine.  

I changed the user and groups when running ./configure to match up with
the users and groups defined with the Ubuntu package - and now I'm
trying to run amrecover by typing

 sudo amrecover /etc/amanda/DailySet1

but I get - 

AMRECOVER Version 2.6.0p2. Contacting server on ubuntu ...
[request failed: timeout waiting for ACK]

Is there another configure directive to find the original files?  

Matt Burkhardt, MSTM
Impari Systems, Inc.
502 Fairview Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701
(301) 682-7901

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