
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the help - I now have several different ways to accomplish this! Keep up the great work on this killer suite of programs!


Sven Rudolph wrote:
Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 01:15:21PM +0100, Sven Rudolph wrote:
Nick Brockner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I have an interesting problem.  I have old archive tapes on DAT72
tapes which I need to move over to my new LTO3 tapes.  The dat72
changer is on a different server than the new lto3 changer.

What is the best way to migrate the data?
Probably not the best way, but I'll try to describe what I do:

I copy the old tapes to disk, each in a separate directory named 1, 2
and so on. Each "tape file" (the things separated by "file marks") is
copied into on disk file, they are numbered too. Example:

  mkdir 1
  cd 1


  while dd if=$TAPE bs=32k of="$(printf '%03d' $n)"

When I copied enough tapes that will fit on a new tape, I do some
checking, and after that I write the files to a new tape:

  for f in */*
        dd if=$f of=$TAPE bs=32k conv=sync

Afterwards some more checking...

The resulting tape can be used with amrecover, but you can not use the
"amrecover_do_fsf" and "amrecover_check_label" options, because the
amanda database does not know the file positions of the new tape. Its
OK for me, restores from these old tapes are very rare.

I started using this with DLT-IV (35 GB), and now I use LTO-4 (800
GB), so one new tape replaces more than ten old tapes.

Interesting Sven,  I'm trying to wrap my mind around how a
typical amrecover session would work.  Suppose I've used
amrecover to mark several files/directories for recovery.
Amrecover then uses its index and suppose it says that
tape "old-7" is needed.  I consult my migration TOC and
see that tape "old-7" is one of the tapes migrated to
tape "new-2".  So I put tape "new-2" in the drive.

What happens next?
Or are my assumptions of the steps to this point faulty?

An old tape contains these files
1  Amanda Header (for TAPE001)
2  First Data File
3  Second Data File

and the second old tape contains:
1  Amanda Header (for TAPE002)
2  Third Data File

Now these are concatenated onto a new tape:
1  Amanda Header (for TAPE001)
2  First Data File
3  Second Data File
4  Amanda Header (for TAPE002)
5  Third Data File

When I want to recover the Third Data, I insert the tape, position it
with mtx and let amrecover read it.

There is nothing like a "new-2" name, at least not known to
Amanda. Amanda does not know that these tapes reside on a new larger
tape. (Thats the reason why Amanda cannot check the tape header: It
rewinds, finds the TAPE001 header and decides that it is the wrong

The list mapping the Data File names to the positions is kept outside
of Amanda. (I keep it as a both as a file and as paper inside the
physical tape box.)


Nick Brockner
Systems Administrator
ITS and Computer Science
Hamilton College

Voice: (315) 859-4289
Fax:   (315) 859-4788

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