Hello Jean-Louis,

File Permissions:
bac...@dub-amanda1:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16248 2007-11-09 01:08 /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped

Xinetd.d conf:
r...@dub-amanda1:/etc/xinetd.d# cat /etc/xinetd.d/amidxtape
#default: on
# description: The amanda tape service
service amidxtape
#    only_from    = <Amanda client list>
   socket_type    = stream
   protocol    = tcp
   wait        = no
   user        = backup
   group        = backup
   groups        = yes
   server        = /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped
   server_args    = -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped
   disable        = no

r...@dub-amanda1:/etc/xinetd.d# netstat -an | grep 10083
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

FYI: I have tried changing the file ownership to the backup user, but to no avail... I also tried to start the amixdtaped deamon with root, also no change, still the same error:

"amrecover - can't talk to tape server: NAK: execute access to "/usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped" denied"

Kind regards again,
Christiaan de Vries

(Btw, where would I set the 'sethost' and 'settape' variables on the client machine permanently?)

Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
Christiaan de Vries wrote:
Thanks for that Jean-Louis! That helped... !

Getting a bit closer to completion again. FYI: I am running the client now, and after some configuration issues (such as setting setdisk and sethost) I can finally list the back upped files on the server from a client connection....

Unfortunately, when I try to extract the files, I receive the following error:
amrecover> add SweetSweetKisses_Final.mov
Added file /Documents/SweetSweetKisses_Final.mov
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host localhost.
The following tapes are needed: DailySet1-13

Restoring files into directory /var/log/amanda/client/DailySet1
Continue [?/Y/n]? y

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host localhost.
Load tape DailySet1-13 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/t]? y
amrecover - can't talk to tape server: NAK: execute access to "/usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped" denied
Why amandad can't execute? What is your xinetd config? What is the user?
What is the permission on /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped?


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