I'm not too sure what's going on - it takes about 10 days to run the
backup.  Here's the results from the run that started on 12/27 and the
results from amstatus on the backup that started running yesterday.  I
checked S3, and it used up a little over 5000 "tapes".  Is there a
time / amount limit?

Hostname: ubuntu
Org     : music
Config  : music
Date    : December 27, 2008

The dumps were flushed to tape musicSet1-0010.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [Could not find a tape to use].
No dumps are left in the holding disk. 0M

The next tape Amanda expects to use is: 1 new tape.
The next new tape already labelled is: musicSet1-0010.

                          Total       Full      Incr.
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:00
Run Time (hrs:min)        251:14
Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
Output Size (meg)           0.0        0.0        0.0
Original Size (meg)         0.0        0.0        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         -- 
Filesystems Dumped            0          0          0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)         --         --         -- 

Tape Time (hrs:min)       250:39      250:39       0:00
Tape Size (meg)         56035.2    56035.2        0.0
Tape Used (%)              56.0       56.0        0.0
Filesystems Taped             1          1          0

Chunks Taped                  1          1          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)    63.6       63.6        -- 

                          Total       Full      Incr.
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:00
Run Time (hrs:min)        251:14
Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
Output Size (meg)           0.0        0.0        0.0
Original Size (meg)         0.0        0.0        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         -- 
Filesystems Dumped            0          0          0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)         --         --         -- 

Tape Time (hrs:min)       250:39      250:39       0:00
Tape Size (meg)         56035.2    56035.2        0.0
Tape Used (%)              56.0       56.0        0.0
Filesystems Taped             1          1          0

Chunks Taped                  1          1          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)    63.6       63.6        -- 

  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0002 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 3:read label `musicSet1-0003', date `20081201190003'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0003 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 4:read label `musicSet1-0004', date `20081202190002'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0004 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 5:read label `musicSet1-0005', date `20081204190003'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0005 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 6:read label `musicSet1-0006', date `20081205190002'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0006 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 7:read label `musicSet1-0007', date `20081206190002'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0007 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 13:read label `musicSet1-0013', date `20081209190003'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0013 is still active and cannot be
  taper: slot 14:read label `musicSet1-0014', date `20081210190002'.
  taper: label "musicSet1-0014" matches labelstr but it is not listed in
the tapelist file.
  taper: slot 1:read label `musicSet1-0001', date `20081211190002'.
  taper: Tape with label musicSet1-0001 is still active and cannot be
  taper: tape musicSet1-0010 kb 57380001 fm 1 [OK]

                                       DUMPER STATS               TAPER
-------------------------- -------------------------------------
localhost    -rive/Music 0           56035    --       FLUSH     15038:

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.6.1b2)

I ran amlabel -f on all the tapes after this ran, but if I run 

amoverview music
Warning: no log files found for tape musicSet1-0014 written 2009-01-07

         date                 01
host     disk                 07

Here's my disklist

localhost /samba/bigdrive/Music comp-user-tar

and amanda.conf

org "music"             # your organization name for reports
mailto "mlb"            # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpcycle 1 week        # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 7          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                        # (1 week * 5 amdump runs per week -- just
tapecycle 14 tapes      # the number of tapes in rotation
                        # 1 week (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week
                        # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                        # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the
                        # backups performed at the beginning of the
                        # cycle
runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of
tpchanger "chg-multi"   # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "S3:"           # the no-rewind tape device to be used
device_property "S3_ACCESS_KEY" "My Access Key"
device_property "S3_SECRET_KEY" "My Secret Key"
device_property "S3_SSL" "false"
changerfile "changer.conf"
tapetype HARDDISK       # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)

holdingdisk hd1 {
    directory "/samba/smalldrive/dumps/music"
    use -1000Mb
holdingdisk hd2 {
    directory "/samba/bigdrive/dumps/music"
    use -1000 Mb

label_new_tapes "musicSet1-%%%%"        # Enable auto labeling
labelstr "^musicSet1-[0-9][0-9]*$"      # label constraint regex: all
tapes mus$

dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is
ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                        # for each client host
etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for

define dumptype global {
        comment "Global definitions"
        auth "bsdtcp"

define dumptype gui-base {
        program "GNUTAR"
        comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar"
        compress none
        index yes

define tapetype HARDDISK {
    comment "Virtual Tapes"
    length 100000 mbytes

includefile "advanced.conf"
includefile "/var/lib/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "tapetypes"

Matt Burkhardt, MSTM
Impari Systems, Inc.
502 Fairview Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701
(301) 682-7901

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