On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Ingo Schaefer <i...@ingo-schaefer.de> wrote:
> Why did it fail to build.
> I would assume, that you don't have the filled all requirements for it
> to build.

I talked briefly with Dan, our packaging expert.  We (Zmanda) don't
build for OpenSUSE, but the source RPM should, at worst, just need a
few tweaks to get it working.  We'd be happy to commit such tweaks if
we get a patch.  Aside from the requirements Ingo mentions, this could
be due to a problem in the system version detection conditionals near
the top.  These should be fairly easy to fix.

If you have trouble, please post the error messages you see, and Dan
or I may be able to help.

Storage Software Engineer

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