
The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 2.6.1.
Thanks to everyone that tested 2.6.1b1 and 2.6.1b2 and provided feedback.

Source tarballs are available from

   * http://www.amanda.org
   * https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=120

Binaries for many systems will be available soon from

   * http://www.zmanda.com/download-amanda.php

Documentation can be found at

   * http://wiki.zmanda.com

Here's a list of the changes for release 2.6.1 (from the NEWS file):
Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.

   * Application API: Allow to easily write wrappers around any backup
     program, see the 'amanda-applications' man page.
         o amgtar: Use GNU tar, it is a lot more configurable than the
           GNUTAR program. See 'amgtar' man page.
         o amstar: Use star to do a backup, it work only on a
           partition. See'amstar' man page.
         o amsamba: Use smbclient to backup a cifs share, see amsamba
           man page.
         o amzfs-sendrecv: Do a backup of a ZFS filesystem with 'zfs send'.
   * Script API: Allow to run script before and after amanda process,
     see the 'amanda-scripts' man page.
         o amzfs-snapshot: Do a snapshot of a ZFS filesystem, then
           'amgtar'application will backup the snapshot. See
           'amzfs-snapshot' man page.
         o script-email: Simple script to send email. see
           'script-email' man page.
   * Changer API v2.0: perl-based changer interface supporting
     concurrent use of multiple devices and changers.
         o currently operating in "compatibility mode," calling old
           changershell scripts.
         o under active development.
   * Xfer API: generic library to move and filter data with maximal
         o can read from and write to arbitrary devices, files, etc.
         o only used in some applications.
   * Amanda archive format: A simple archive format that an application
     canuse to create backup image.
   * 'amarchiver' program to manipulate file in amanda archive format.
   * Many improvements to report better error message to user.
   * amtape subcommands 'slot prev' and 'slot last' are removed.
   * Dozens more perl libraries, with more stable interfaces.
   * Many bugs fixed and improvement.
   * amgetconf '--client' option to retrieve config from
     amanda-client.conf on a client.
   * Amanda configuration file changes
         o new application-tool section
         o new script-tool section
         o new device section
         o new changer section

Jean-Louis martineau

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