Why, given the following arguemnts to configure: ./configure \ --with-config=DailyDump \ --prefix=/opt/amanda \ --with-index-server=amanda.meadwestvaco.com \ --with-tape-server=amanda.meadwestvaco.com \ --with-tape-device=chg-multi \ --with-changer-device=chg-multi \ --with-user=amanda \ --with-group=operator \ --with-debugging \ --sbindir=/opt/amanda/sbin \ --libexecdir=/opt/amanda/libexec \ --libdir=/opt/amanda/lib \ --with-configdir=/opt/amanda/etc \ --with-gnutar-listdir=/opt/amanda/var/gnutar-lists \ --mandir=/opt/amanda/man \ --with-buffered-dump \ --without-rundump \ --with-maxtapeblocksize=256
Do the files, which I think should be installed in /opt/amanda/lib, actually get installed in /opt/amanda/lib/amanda ? ama...@amanda:/opt/amanda$ cd libexec ama...@amanda:/opt/amanda/libexec$ ls amanda ama...@amanda:/opt/amanda/libexec$ cd amanda ama...@amanda:/opt/amanda/libexec/amanda$ ls amandad amplot.gp chg-iomega chg-rth planner amanda-sh-lib.sh amtrmidx chg-juke chg-scsi rundump amcat.awk amtrmlog chg-lib.sh chg-zd-mtx runtar amcleanupdisk application chg-manual chunker selfcheck amidxtaped calcsize chg-mcutil driver sendbackup amindexd chg-chio chg-mtx dumper sendsize amlogroll chg-chs chg-multi killpgrp taper amplot.awk chg-disk chg-null noop teecount amplot.g chg-glue chg-rait patch-system versionsuffix -- One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs.