
I have a single-machine (client==server) setup which has been working well for quite a long time. It's running Amanda 2.5.1p3 on FreeBSD 6.4.

Yesterday I added a new disk to the machine, mounted it under /db and added corresponding entry to the disklist. On tonights backup run, Amanda backed up first two small DLEs but all the rest (including the newly added one) failed with:

host.domain.ee /usr lev 1 FAILED [cannot read header: got 0 instead of 32768] host.domain.ee /usr lev 1 FAILED [cannot read header: got 0 instead of 32768] host.domain.ee /usr lev 1 FAILED [too many dumper retry: "[request failed: timeout waiting for ACK]"]

This shouldn't be a firewall problem, since the firewall on the machine is set to unconditionally pass all traffic on loopback interface and I couldn't find any relevant dropped packets in the firewall log. Also amcheck -c passes with no errors.

I looked at the amdump.1 file, and the first indication of any problem is on the 3rd DLE (which is the newly added one - coincidence?):

driver: result time 2761.656 from chunker0: FAILED 00-00005 "[cannot read header: got 0 instead of 32768]"

(2761 seconds is approximately 04:06 local time)

Couldn't see anything wrong before that. In the server's general error log there are just these messages tonight:

Feb 28 04:14:12 host sendbackup[11511]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:15:02 host sendbackup[11632]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:15:02 host sendbackup[11612]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:15:18 host sendbackup[11652]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:15:28 host sendbackup[11644]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:17:47 host sendbackup[11664]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:23:37 host sendbackup[11673]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:26:02 host sendbackup[11659]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
Feb 28 04:29:40 host sendbackup[11684]: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]

What could be wrong?

Actually I did notice one possible problem. After adding the new DLE, the total number of DLEs is now 13. Bad luck?

Toomas Aas

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