On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 5:55 PM, stan <st...@panix.com> wrote:
> I think that most of the new features are conecntrated on teh server end,
> if I am not mistaken. The last client side enhancement that rose to a
> visibilty level for me was client side config files, so that you don't ahve
> to ahe many, many deifernt dumptyes, where the only overide was, say where
> teh exclude file went. or am I missing something here?

The major addition on the client side is the Application API.  While
we could probably patch a minimal client to support client-side
configuration files, such a minimal client will never support the
Application API.  But that's OK!


P.S. 2.5.0 and later are in Subversion.  The remaining history (some
of it, at least) is in CVS, and I have a very low-priority TODO task
(for some night when I can't sleep) to try to graft that onto the git

Storage Software Engineer

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