Dustin J. Mitchell wrote at 10:11 -0400 on Mar 17, 2009:
 > 2009/3/17 Zbigniew Szalbot <z.szal...@lcwords.com>:
 > > Ever since the upgrade, I am not able to perform the backup.
 > >
 > > % /usr/local/sbin/amdump Backup2Disk
 > > amgetconf: not found
 > >
 > > I use FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE if that matters.
 > >
 > > Would you help me find out how I can solve this problem and resume
 > > backups? Thank you!
 > Is amgetconf installed?  Is it in the same location as intended when
 > it was compiled?  amdump is a shell script, so this should be pretty
 > easy for you to track down.

That can be a misleading error message that points to perl not
available.  If you do have amgetconf, and it is in the path, then do
'head amgetconf' and check and make sure the perl it's looking for is
installed and working.

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