Add '-auth=bsdtcp" in argument to amandad.


Abilio Carvalho wrote:
I'm getting this message when trying to run amcheck. I've run amservice as is specified in the wiki page about this error, and I'm getting the same error, so it's a client issue. Can someone help me debug this?

I've checked the client logs, and the only thing I can find that's relevant is on /tmp/amanda/amandad/amandad.<timestamp>.debug:

1241424302.890797: amandad: pid 7809 ruid 65502 euid 65502 version 2.6.1: start at Mon May 4 10:05:02 2009 1241424302.908306: amandad: security_getdriver(name=BSD) returns ff31d338
1241424302.908442: amandad: version 2.6.1
1241424302.908455: amandad:     build: VERSION="Amanda-2.6.1"
1241424302.908464: amandad: BUILT_DATE="Wed Apr 29 14:53:21 CEST 2009" 1241424302.908472: amandad: BUILT_MACH="sparc-sun- solaris2.10" BUILT_REV="1609"
1241424302.908479: amandad:            BUILT_BRANCH="amanda-261" CC="cc"
1241424302.908485: amandad: paths: bindir="/bin" sbindir="/sbin" libexecdir="/libexec" 1241424302.908492: amandad: amlibexecdir="/libexec/amanda" mandir="/share/man" 1241424302.908498: amandad: AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda" AMANDA_DBGDIR="/tmp/amanda" 1241424302.908505: amandad: CONFIG_DIR="/etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/dsk/" 1241424302.908511: amandad: RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/rdsk/" DUMP="/ usr/sbin/ufsdump" 1241424302.908518: amandad: RESTORE="/usr/sbin/ufsrestore" VDUMP=UNDEF VRESTORE=UNDEF 1241424302.908524: amandad: XFSDUMP=UNDEF XFSRESTORE=UNDEF VXDUMP=UNDEF VXRESTORE=UNDEF 1241424302.908530: amandad: SAMBA_CLIENT="/usr/sfw/bin/ smbclient" 1241424302.908537: amandad: GNUTAR="/usr/sfw/bin/gtar" COMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip" 1241424302.908543: amandad: UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip" LPRCMD="/usr/bin/lp" 1241424302.908550: amandad: MAILER=UNDEF listed_incr_dir="/ var/amanda/gnutar-lists" 1241424302.908556: amandad: defs: DEFAULT_SERVER="ronald" DEFAULT_CONFIG="DailySet1" 1241424302.908563: amandad: DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="ronald" DEFAULT_TAPE_DEVICE="" 1241424302.908569: amandad: HAVE_MMAP NEED_STRSTR HAVE_SYSVSHM AMFLOCK_POSIX AMFLOCK_LOCKF 1241424302.908575: amandad: AMFLOCK_LNLOCK SETPGRP_VOID AMANDA_DEBUG_DAYS=4 BSD_SECURITY 1241424302.908582: amandad: USE_AMANDAHOSTS CLIENT_LOGIN="amandabackup" CHECK_USERID 1241424302.908588: amandad: HAVE_GZIP COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast" 1241424302.908594: amandad: COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc" 1241424302.908852: amandad: dgram_recv(dgram=ff33334c, timeout=0, fromaddr=ff343338)
1241424302.909008: amandad: (sockaddr_in *)ff343338 = { 0, 0, }
1241424312.470249: amandad: dgram_recv(dgram=ff33334c, timeout=0, fromaddr=ff343338)
1241424312.470327: amandad: (sockaddr_in *)ff343338 = { 0, 0, }
1241424322.470941: amandad: dgram_recv(dgram=ff33334c, timeout=0, fromaddr=ff343338)
1241424322.471014: amandad: (sockaddr_in *)ff343338 = { 0, 0, }

plus a lot more of those timeouts.

Here's the amanda_client.conf and inetd service setup. I'm guessing that there's something wrong with the inetadm output, but I can't generate a set of values that work. Adding the -auth=bsdtcp line to / etc/inetd.conf and reconverting, for example, doesn't work at all.

#amanda-client.conf - Amanda client configuration file.
conf            "bbp_tape"
index_server    "zgluck"
tape_server     "zgluck"
#  auth  - authentication scheme to use between server and client.
#          Valid values are 'bsdtcp' or 'ssh'
auth            "bsdtcp"
# ssh keys file if ssh auth is used
ssh_keys        "/var/lib/amanda/.ssh/id_rsa_amrecover"


bash-3.00# inetadm -l svc:/network/amanda/tcp:default
default  bind_addr=""
default  bind_fail_max=-1
default  bind_fail_interval=-1
default  max_con_rate=-1
default  max_copies=-1
default  con_rate_offline=-1
default  failrate_cnt=40
default  failrate_interval=60
default  inherit_env=TRUE
default  tcp_trace=FALSE
default  tcp_wrappers=FALSE

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