
I'm quite new to amanda (and to backing up to tape as well). I already managed to create a conf for our changer (Sun SL24). But I'm still unsure what is the right device for the tape drive.

 # ls /dev/rmt/
0 0b 0bn 0c 0cb 0cbn 0cn 0h 0hb 0hbn 0hn 0l 0lb 0lbn 0ln 0m 0mb 0mbn 0mn 0n 0u 0ub 0ubn 0un

So far I'm using /dev/rmt/0ubn AFAIK the u stands for Ultra-density, the n for non-rewinding (Amanda needs that, right?) But I'm unsure about the b. What does it mean? I managed to read and write to this device with tar. Also amtapetype gave me some sensible values for this. (actually I used the rewinding device at that time, but the non-rewinding shouldn't differ)

I now also managed to label a tape using amlabel. Now my question is: How do I label all tapes in the changer? Do I use some kind of pattern or can I label them as I like?
Is there a command to label all tapes at once?

regards, Andreas

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