I am perfroming dump from Solaris 10 x86, using amanda 2.6.1
to an SL24/LTO4.

The following is cronological, some of the issues are separable.

The particular client with the issue is a MAC server with over
250Gig of data.

The dumps where taking a _lot_ time, so I tried to divide the DLE
into 2 separate DLEs. Of of those was still large, so I tried to
divide it into 2 again.

Rather than dumping /, I was dumping /Users and /trel, trel was _large_
over 250 gig by itself.

trel:/trel cssadmin$ ls
Active Staff Folders    Funded Programs         Quality Assurance
Applications            Graphpad                References
Archived Studies        Images                  Research Studies
Archives                LINC                    Temporary Items
DRC+ PE07 Blood         Lab Operations          Trace Elements
DRCII PE10 Urine        Lead Poisoning          Trash
DRCII PE12 Research     NYS PT Program
External PT

I attempted the following in the disklist

trel   /Users       comp-user-tar
#trel   /trel        user-tar
trel   /trelAM /trel   {
        exclude "[N-Z]*"

trel   /trelNZ /trel   {
        exclude "[A-M]*"

Which naturally, since there where 'new' DLEs attempted level 0 dumps
on both.

However the combined for the two new DLEs was not the expected 250G but
only about 50 Gig.

I wanted to look at the dumps from the tape, since I don't keep indexes
online, which is very time consuming...

Since this is a cross architecture issue, I thought I would simply
restore the DLEs in question in their entirety and worry about how
to read them after (no problem cross mounting the partition with NFS).

However, I was unable to bring the DLE back.

> amrestore /dev/rmt/0n trel

amrestore: 7: skipping FILE: date 20090702183001 host nlascar disk /boot lev 1 
comp .gz program /sbin/dump
amrestore: 8: restoring FILE: date 20090702183001 host trel disk /Users lev 1 
comp .gz program /usr/bin/xtar

I was just trying to restore the tar-ball, not unpack the files, this
had been the behavior I was familiar with.

Assuming the addition of compression was an issue I ran a new set of
dumps, just of this client, after removing compression from the disklist
entry for these partitions. The results where the same.

I don't see any switches on amrestore to restore the behavior I was
expecting, I do not believe the -r (raw) switch does what I want, based
on the description (and on a failed trial).

So, in summary, I believe I have 1) a miscoded exclude in the DLE
2) a behavior change in amrestore.

                                        Thanks in advance for you assistance,


   Brian R Cuttler                 brian.cutt...@wadsworth.org
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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