Edit chg-lib.sh and set MTX to the full path:


Andreas Kuntzagk wrote:
Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
Andreas Kuntzagk wrote:

I'm trying to do a (test) recovery using our SL24 changer.
I set amrecover_changer and use setdevice but still get an error message when trying to extract files. Could the reason be that I did the dumps before setting amrecover_changer ?

Look for message in the amidxtaped.*.debug file on the tape server.

Ok, this is probably the reason:

1247236826.477475: amidxtaped: changer: << <error> Fatal error from changer script: <none> Could not run mtx binary at 'mtx'

The mtx binary is at /opt/csw/sbin/mtx so it's probably not in the PATH used by the recovery. But it is in the PATH of the amandabackup user.
So where should I set this?


Here is my amanda.conf:
logdir   "/etc/opt/amanda/daily/log"                # log directory
infofile "/etc/opt/amanda/daily/curinfo"        # database filename
indexdir "/etc/opt/amanda/daily/index"          # index directory
tapelist "/etc/opt/amanda/daily/tapelist"       # list of used tapes

usetimestamps 1
tapecycle 18
runtapes 3
#send-amreport-on never

amrecover_changer "changer"

define tapetype HP-LTO4 {
   comment "LTO4 Tapes, values produced by amtapetype, Compression Off"
   length 772096 mbytes
   filemark 0 kbytes
   speed 100612 kps

tapetype "HP-LTO4"

tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"
changerdev "/dev/scsi/changer/c8t500110A00094F7C0d0"
tapedev "tape:/dev/rmt/0"
changerfile "/etc/opt/amanda/daily/changer.conf"

holdingdisk zfs {
    directory "/data/backup/daily"

define dumptype global {
    record yes
    index yes
    auth "bsdtcp"
    program "GNUTAR"

and here the amrecover session:

amrecover> setdevice -h fileserver07 changer
Using tape "changer" from server fileserver07.
amrecover> extract
Extract list empty - No files to extract!
amrecover> add proteome
Added dir /proteome/ at date 2009-06-25-13-49-29
Added dir /proteome/ at date 2009-06-30-10-01-43
Added dir /proteome/ at date 2009-07-02-10-48-40
Added dir /proteome/ at date 2009-07-03-10-51-17
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host fileserver07.
The following tapes are needed: test019

Restoring files into directory /data/test
Continue [?/Y/n]?

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host fileserver07.
Load tape test019 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/d]?
Volume labeled 'test019' not found.
Load tape test019 now
Continue [?/Y/n/d]?


regards, Andreas

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