right - sorry.

You force a full only every 28 days, that might be
level 0, 0, 1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,33,3,4,4,4,44,5,5,5,5,55,5,6,6,6,67,7,7,7,7
difficult restore process, more common to have a dumpcycle of 1 or 2
weeks, used (probably) more tape each day but simplifies the restores.

No, I don't see an obvious reason why you aren't finding a tape
to write on.

All 40 tapes are actually in the jukebox ?

The changer-config file is correct, amanda knows there are
40 tapes/40 slots ?

How to you correct the problem now ?

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 03:01:24PM -0400, Sam Hooker wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> - ----- "Brian Cuttler" <br...@wadsworth.org> wrote:
> > what are the values for
> > 
> > dumpcycle
> > runspercycle
> > runtapes
> > tapecycle
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 02:45:46PM -0400, Sam Hooker wrote:
> ...
> > > [r...@inara NOISEPLANT]# for opt in dumpcycle runspercycle tapecycle
> > runtapes tpchanger tapedev; do echo -n "$opt: "; amgetconf NOISEPLANT
> > $opt; done
> > > dumpcycle: 28
> > > runspercycle: 28
> > > tapecycle: 40
> > > runtapes: 1
> > > tpchanger: chg-disk
> > > tapedev: file:/storage0/amandatapes/NOISEPLANT/slots
> :-)
> Cheers,
> - -sth
> sam hooker|s...@noiseplant.com|http://www.noiseplant.com
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
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> iEYEARECAAYFAkpos1IACgkQX8KByLv3aQ3tSwCfYcpN9SZVD6xAsASjm0bKsfr2
> EEcAoPaMwWD0Ordg2ZIPQk9quOz4lYvI
> =KN56
   Brian R Cuttler                 brian.cutt...@wadsworth.org
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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