man amanda.conf
      compress [client|server]  string
          Default: client fast.

Set it to none if you don't want compression.
ig. compress none


stan wrote:
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 03:26:10PM -0400, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
Check system log
Post complete amandad.*.debug and sendbackup.*.debug.

You can try to disable client compression.

OK, I am very puzzled this morning. Some of the dum,ps failled on the
OpenBSD machines last night. I had thought that I had set up dumptypes for
them without compression. Here is what I did:

define dumptype stan-test {
        comment "Non-root partitions on reasonably fast machines"
        maxdumps 4
        priority medium

And hee is the global def:

define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"
        # This is quite useful for setting global parameters, so you don't have
        # to type them everywhere.  All dumptype definitions in this sample file
        # do include these definitions, either directly or indirectly.
        # There's nothing special about the name `global'; if you create any
        # dumptype that does not contain the word `global' or the name of any
        # other dumptype that contains it, these definitions won't apply.
        # Note that these definitions may be overridden in other
        # dumptypes, if the redefinitions appear *after* the `global'
        # dumptype name.
        # You may want to use this for globally enabling or disabling
# indexing, recording, etc. Some examples: index yes record yes # split_diskbuffer "/raid/amanda" # fallback_splitsize 64m

And here are the DLE's for the machine in question:

pblab wd0a stan-test 1 eth0
pblab wd0f stan-test 1 eth0
pblab wd0d stan-test 1 eth0
pblab wd0e stan-test 1 eth0

Should be no compression, right?

But look at what the sendnackup debug files have to say:

-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  2865 Aug 17 22:52 sendbackup.20090817224841.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  2959 Aug 17 22:55 sendbackup.20090817225226.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  2851 Aug 17 22:56 sendbackup.20090817225558.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  3298 Aug 17 22:56 sendbackup.20090817225623.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  3195 Aug 17 22:56 sendbackup.20090817225638.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  3192 Aug 17 22:56 sendbackup.20090817225655.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  3190 Aug 17 22:57 sendbackup.20090817225728.debug
-rw-r-----  1 amanda  wheel  3362 Aug 17 22:58 sendbackup.20090817225803.debug

Let's start off with why are there twice as many as I expect, based on the

The look at this:

$ grep -l gzip *backup*

I will atach a tarball with these files

I am very puzzled, at the moment.

Thanks for any clarification.

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