Brian Cuttler wrote:
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 04:26:10PM -0400, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
Brian Cuttler wrote:
Well, looks like we shot ourselves in the foot.

disklist - finsen  /export zfs-snapshot

[finsen] ~ 61> cd /exp*
[finsen]: /export > ls
home/  pax/  samba/  source/  testing/  zones/

Looks like it'll backup everything - however if you create
additional mountpoints...

[finsen]: /export > zfs list | more
NAME                                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
finsenp                                   136G   132G  28.4K  /finsenp
finsenp/export                            136G   132G  33.6G  /export
finsenp/export/home                      55.0G  73.0G  71.0K  /export/home
finsenp/export/home/agaupel 32.9K 9.97M 32.9K /export/home/agaup
finsenp/export/home/amanda 33.1M 73.0G 33.1M /export/home/amand
finsenp/export/home/bhowland 9.71G 73.0G 9.71G /export/home/bhowl
finsenp/export/home/dkim 32.9K 9.97M 32.9K /export/home/dkim
it is as if the file systems are not subdirectories of one
another and you don't get backups of /export/home nor /export/home/<user>

Is this what other people on this list with ZFS are seeing ?

I recognize this as a ZFS side-effect and not an amanada issue.

But I'm now forced ot ask if there is an amanda solution, or for
that matter, as I migrate my users to this new system if amanda
will support in excess of 1000 DLEs in a single config/disklist.
Aside from Dustin's answer and howto for Amanda, . . .

You're creating user home directories with zfs create, rather than with mkdir? So each home directory ends up being a separate zfs file system? Thus, with the ability to apply zfs quotas and reservations? That sounds kind of complicated.

the idea of per user quotas was extreemly attractive, and it
_seemed_ like such a good idea when our ZFS manager proposed it...

Actually we have per user quotes on the current UFS file system,
which is ok for many of the users, but we have those few who say
things like - its easier to find stuff in my home directory, I don't
           want to bother with project directories on other drives.
        - Just create a few hundred gig of dead space, that way when
          you need space you have it reserved and can just delete

Things like NMR or scanning EM microscopes produce large data files...
we are just trying to keep the users from harming one another.

Yup. I'm afraid of what's going to happen with our brand new Integrated Sciences Building and it's Bio-imaging laboratories and classrooms. They blew a huge bundle of some grant on a room full of advanced digital microscopes where you never look through an eyepiece. Everything is done on a computer screen with a firewire connection to a high end Nikon digital camera hooked into a fancy microscope all under software control. That, in turn is hooked up to my new server and its new disk array. Each student enrolled in bio-imaging has an account with a home directory that mounts from my server using some fancy ldap glue through samba from Mac OS X. As all that cranks up, I'm not quite sure what I'm in for. I've already run into trouble with some labs that are putting terrabyte drives on all their imaging workstations.


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__  ---- Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Erdös 4

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