
I'm a long time user of amanda 2.5.2 backing up a single opensuse 10.3
server with one drive and doing only full dumps to one tape. At the
moment I'm testing 2.6.1 p1. Since there are no official packages of
amanda 2.6.1 p1 for opensuse 10.3 I got them from their build service
I also changed my configuration. I still backup only a single server
(amanda runs on this machine). The backup is written to multiple tapes
using chg-manual and a single DAT DDS4 (20/40 GB) tape. My backup
strategy is a full dump every 2 weeks and 2 runs a week (dumpcycle 2
weeks; runspercycle 4; tapecycle 8 tapes; bumpsize 20 Mb; bumpdays 1;
bumpmult 4; runtapes 2). The first backup was written to 2 tapes without
problems and the recovery also takes place without problems. My problems
started with the second backup today.

I ran into 3 problems:

1. If I call amcleanup or amstatus the following error is returned:

Can't exec "-eo": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Amanda/Process.pm line 177.
 -eo pid,ppid,command: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Amanda/Process.pm line 177.

2. The level 1 backups are as big as the level 0 backups:

ama...@servlnx01:~> amadmin test info

Current info for servlnx01.sebhen.lan /home:
  Stats: dump rates (kps), Full:  6822.2,  -1.0,  -1.0
                    Incremental:  6129.2,  -1.0,  -1.0
          compressed size, Full:  88.4%,-100.0%,-100.0%
                    Incremental:  88.4%,-100.0%,-100.0%
  Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file   origK   compK secs
          0  20090926  Test-01          1 28163990 24894276 3649
          1  20091001  Test-05          1 28087280 24817106 4049

3.  If I choose request="tty_email" in changer.conf the changer skript
sent me e-mails requesting for a new tape during the second backup but
aborted after lastslot times. If I choose request="email" everything
works fine. The second backup was fired up by cron, the first was
manually initiated.

I'm happy for every kind of hints!

Best regards


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