Greetings Dustin & Paul;

I just put todays snapshot of 2.6.2 in, and figured I'd check amreport.

It looks as if it is not looking for the right logfile.  By default in the 
manpage it says it is $logdir/log, and the error message in the email it 
sends confirms that:
  amreport: ERROR could not open log /usr/local/var/amanda/Daily//log: No 
such file or directory

The log files that exist in $logdir, all have a date-time hash appended to 
the name, and the proper file for it to read would have been the last one 
generated (if I did not give it a different name with the -l option), so just 
for grins I gave it the full path to the -l argument, and it worked fine.

Now, I realize that when amdump calls it, it has knowledge of the logfiles 
full name, but ISTR it used to be hand runnable with nothing more than an

su amanda -c "amreport Daily"

and it would do the most recent backup.

I believe this behavior can be restored if $logdir/'log' was made into a 
softlink that was updated when the new long named logfile was started, and 
would then be good till the next run, in a manner similar to the use of the 
'data' link now used in the vtape setup.  Can this be managed for the next 


Cheers, Gene
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