Do the backup succeeded? It looks it failed. wrote:
I'm running a fresh install of amanda 2.6.1pl1 (I recently upgraded to
p2 and experienced the same problem).  When performing full dumps, the
curinfo/machine/disk/info files are getting updated (they have proper
ownership), but the stats: line for level 0 is mostly filled with 0's.

version: 0
command: 0
full-rate: 13929.010897 13776.895360
stats: 0 0 0 0 -1 31 GSC_FULL12
last_level: -1 -1

This is after amanda has finished its run.  As you can see, it was dumped
to tape, and has the proper tape label and file number on the tape.
But it's missing the timestamp and size of dump information.

I'm kind of at a loss as to what I've done wrong.  Previously, I've
been using a modified version of 2.4.1, which has worked fine.  For the
new install, I replaced both clients and servers with the new software,
and decided not to copy over the old database, instead starting fresh
(I needed to do a full set of dumps anyway).  It appears to work in all
other ways, but the lack of proper info in the info files prevents the
usual cycle (I can't do incrementals, since the full doesn't have a time).

Any ideas?

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