On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:44:01PM -0800, Paddy Sreenivasan wrote:
> > So, my current status is that my test machine works, but the first
> > production machine is still returing:
> >
> > pselevent.meadwestvaco.com:"C:" ? ? ? ? ? ?0 ?planner:
> > [pselevent.meadwestvaco.com: ?Server validation Failed. Please register
> > server with client.]
> >
> Please take a look at http://forums.zmanda.com/showthread.php?t=1369
> thanks,
> Paddy

OK, I have.

We followed the directions to change the backup user from the web page.
This has been done on both machines. The test machine works, and the
production one does not.

Changing to another user is not feasible, as I have 50+ exisitng *NIX
clients :-)

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