
I have amanda running for several months with the following configuration:
dumpcycle 0
runspercycle 1
tapecycle 14 tapes
runtapes 1

Cron configuration is:
0 16 * * 1-5 amanda /usr/sbin/amcheck -m DailySet1
0 23 * * 1-5 amanda /usr/sbin/amdump DailySet1

This gives me a full backup each weekday (server doesn't have that much
diskspace and its easier for restore).
Now I want to take a tape aside for yearly archiving. But how do I do it
with my current configuration?

Is there some kind of rmlabel command? I read on some pages about it, but
found no manpage and my OpenSuSE doesn't know the command.
If I had a rmlabel command, I could easily rmlabel and amlabel a tape and
change tapecycle to 13 tapes.
And create a yearly BackupJob with this tape..

Could I also change tapecycle manually to 13 and simply remove the tape
from the tapelist file?
But then the taken out tape will still show up in the index file, right?
Do I need to edit it?
How do I do this without destroying my whole configuration?

I think the best thing would be, to add another job (YearlySet1 or so),
set the appropriate CronJobs and label a tape especially for this job..
But this can't be done because I haven't a spare tape :(
(Yeah.. Could buy one.. But it's a private server and if I can save the
money for a LTO4 tape and learn something, why not? :-)

Any advice is greatly appreciated,

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