I'm glad my tarball worked for you.  I'll find out from Jean-Louis how
to generate snapshots with the datestamp, in case I need to do so in
the future.

But you've brought up a new topic, so I've changed the subject line:

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@verizon.net> wrote:
> WARNING: shop /home: fallback_splitsize of 10240k < 0.1% of tape size and may
> be used for PORT_DUMP; check your configuration
> A line for every dle.  Is this something I need to address before tonights
> real run?

Yes, I just added this warning.  Some refinement may be in order, so
let me know what you think.

The problem is that Amanda's fallback_splitsize defaults to 10M, and
I've seen a number of users recently who are using this splitsize for
multi-terabyte dumps, without knowing it.  This generates *terrible*
performance on backup, since the tape drive has to write tens or
hundreds of thousands of filemarks, and also on recovery, since the
recovery app must seek to and read from each of those many thousands
of files.

This is usually due not to a "fallback" in an error condition, but to
misconfiguration.  The splitsize parameters are *very* confusing!

So the new warning is intended to alert folks such as yourself to the
potential misconfiguration.  It's just a warning, so Amanda will
continue to run as before, but you really should fix it.  To fix it,
do one of:
* set split_diskbuffer properly
* raise your fallback_splitsize to something larger than 0.001 * tape-length
* set fallback_splitsize to 0

> Also, where do I find the definition of a PORT_DUMP?  That is a new one to
> me.

Oops, that should say PORT-WRITE.  PORT-WRITE is a dump straight to
the device, without going to holding first.  Amanda does PORT-WRITE
when the DLE is larger than the holding disk, or when no holding disk
is configured.  It is the opposite of FILE-WRITE, which is a write
from holding disk to the tape device.

Amanda always uses the tape_splitsize for FILE-WRITE dumps.  It does
the same for PORT-WRITE, but if split_diskbuffer is not set, which is
the case on your system, then it uses fallback_splitsize instead (with
its default of 10M), with no notice of the "fallback".

So what if I changed the warning to read

WARNING: shop /home: fallback_splitsize of 10240k < 0.1% of tape
length and may create >1000 parts; set split_diskbuffer or increase

I'll also add a wiki page to help explain the background for the error.

Let me know what you think.


P.S. There are plans afoot to change these configuration parameters to
something less confusing, but not in the upcoming release.

Open Source Storage Engineer

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